Giant Angora Registration Contest
2024 is the year for Chestnut Giants!
Click here to Register your Giant Angoras & enter the drawing!
To enter the contests, upon successfully registering your Giant Angora with ARBA, please follow these steps: 1) Complete the Giant Registration Entry Form.2) Share a picture of your newly registered Giant in the Chestnut Village Facebook Group.As a special incentive, in November 2024, Tammy will randomly select a participant for a chance to win a Free Fuzzy Vaughn's t-shirt of their choice.
Periodically, without any notice, Tammy will surpise you all with a random drawing! She'll give away some awesome gifts! Stay tuned! More will be announced in the Giant Newsflash!Let's collaborate to register those Giants and enjoy some fun together! ---------------------------- FYI, did you know you can register your Intermediate Giants? Yes, you can! They need to make senior weight, have a minimum of 2" wool, and no DQ'S. Girls Sr weight is 10# Boys Sr weight is 9.5# We can register our chestnuts starting November 1st, 2023. Additional Note: If you register a 7 month old, you know that he or she is not finished growing. You can update their registration at any time, its just a $2 fee, and the same process as regular registration. So don't wait! If they meet the requirements, get'm registered!