Exploring Natural Remedies and Holistic Care for Healthy Bunnies: A Comprehensive Guide
Printable PDFOVERVIEW This document provides insights into natural and other remedies you can consider utilizing in your rabbitry. Such as neem oil, lavender oil, tea tree oil, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, coconut oil, and Campho-Phenique, based on my own research and personal experience at home. I will discusses their properties, including insect ... Full article >
We can enter our non-recognized colors!
We all know Giants already come in a wide variety of colors. What do you do when you have a gorgeous non-accepted color? You are prepping your other Giants for an upcoming show & you wish you could bring your special fawn, black, Chinchilla, etc... YES, you can! Enter them as "EXHIBIT" We can enter our non-recognized colors! We will have the 2 Groups as White & Colored, plus we have a Giant Exhibit Group. Currently Chestnuts are the only accepted Colored Giant Angora. The Giant Exhi... Full article >
May you all have healthy & full nest boxes!
Take the doe to the buck’s cage to breed. If you take the buck to the doe’s cage, the doe may be overly aggressive and be protective of her space. I like to ensure the doe is sheared just before breeding. When she is kidding 30 days later, the doe’s wool will be about 1” long. The wool will be just the right length for nest building. Keep extra 2nds & 3rds from your previous shearings too. This can come in handy if your doe doesn’t pull enough wool on her own when it’s time. Ensure y... Full article >
History of the Giant Angora in the USA
by Candy Haenszel, February, 1999 Giant Angora is a relatively new breed, yet it's history is already being forgotten. Research through Angora News, Domestic Rabbits, and correspondence, has yielded the following history of the breed. In the early 1980's, several Angora breeders in the U.S. and Canada, began importing Angora rabbits from different areas of Germany. The Angora News (newsletter of the National Angora Rabbit Breeders Club), in 1984 & 1985, ran ads for German Angoras, by Lesli... Full article >