Friday, March 31, 2023
"I will do my best", my new daily mantra
Noodle Dog, owner of the busy tail.
My ranting,
Not every day is as challenging as yesterday, thank goodness!
Today, I am choosing to have a good day!
Yesterday, I woke up with a full bladder, too much caffeine the day before, a habit I need to break, but not right now. As I am not a spring chicken anymore, some things just don’t work as well as they used to, like my bladder control.
Anyhow, as I made my morning mad dash to the bathroom, the large bushy tailed dog, Noodle, followed me into the bathroom, like they all do. The three dogs think it’s time to get in a bit of love'n while I am trapped in one place. Of course I reinforce this behavior by petting them while I am doing my morning business. This particular morning the bushy tail had accidentally placed itself over the toilet as I rushed in and seated myself. Just in time, I might add, as my morning business started to flow immediately, I couldn’t stop the flow, and the bushy tail was soaked. I was not quite awake yet, it’s all a blur, I can’t stop the flow, I am somehow frozen in place, not wanting to stand, knowing I am going to make a bigger mess. Well, that bigger mess came as soon as I finished and stood up and released the bushy wet tail. The owner of the bushy tail was oblivious to what just transpired, and was just excited to see me and proceeded to wag his tail even more enthusiastically.
So after some cleanup and a shower, I proceeded to restart my day by making my coffee. I was already late for work, so needless to say, things were rushed, I fed & watered the animals, & went to work. The rest of the day wasn’t horrible, I came through pretty much in one piece. Later in the afternoon I tried to work on some t-shirts, that brings me joy. Well, the sewing portion was not going well, as the thread kept on breaking, things were getting mucked up. Little things just continued to go sideways, all day long.
Then the worst of the worst happened, I went to put nest boxes in the few mom’s that were expecting. Three out of four had already had their litters, on the wire, all dead. I was devastated. I cleaned things up, put in the next boxes and filled them with hay. If the moms were done kindling, at least they can have some fresh hay and heal for the next round. After much kicking my own butt, some cuss words, major grunting, I settled down to review what went wrong.
I realized I bred the 3 colored does, then decided to breed 3 REW does a couple days later, kinda last minute decision. I did write down the correct breeding dates, I used my tracking tools. But I unfortunately didn’t use the tools correctly. I use a huge whiteboard in my barn, with notes on who was bred to who and date, plus the Who’s Due phone app. I have been so wrapped up in other things, I didn’t pay attention. I was thinking everyone was due at the same time, at a later date. UGH! So, the 3 REW should be making their nests today and kindling soon. Crossing fingers all goes well with them.
Yesterday I was listening to Mel Robbins again, her latest podcast was "Every tattoo Has a Story, Here’s Mine”. My takeaway was to think of a mantra I could use daily. I love learning new things, I have always been driven to try new things. Yesterday, I was going to use as my mantra, “I will learn, and I will grow”. I must be honest, I fail a lot. Yesterday was an example of a blundering failure. Today, I am going to put on my big girl panties and give it another go. But first my coffee. My lesson learned from yesterday, breathe, and pay bloody attention! Don’t overbook myself. Oh, well that ship has sailed, no getting over the overbooking, lol. “I will do my best”, That is my new mantra for today. But first coffee.
Today, so far, all is good. I have had my coffee, no bathroom blunders, REW doe is building her nest. My sewing thread isn’t breaking, I am choosing to have fun while dying more tie-dyed t-shirts. Then later this afternoon, I will get to shear buns. I am taking a breath, and saying to myself again, “I will do my best.”
Hoping you all have a great day!