Great Giant Angora Doe
My abbreviation notes:
B8 GF GC GR R(possible chocolate carrier)
To assist in sharing our evaluations of all the buns, I will share with you our abbreviations & their meanings.
GF - Great Furnishings, Giant ear tassels, woolly front feet, etc
FF - Fair Furnishings, skimpy on ear tassels & possible lack of woolly front feet.
GC - Great Color, holding onto good color in wool growth
FC - Fair Color, lacking good color saturation in wool growth
BC - Bad Color, lacking color in wool growth
BC - Bad Color, lacking color in wool growth
DKC - Dark Chestnut
GR - Great Rings, Visible chestnut ring definition in wool growth
FR - Fair Rings, little chestnut ring definition in wool growth
BR - Bad Rings, no chestnut ring definition in wool growth
REW - No Color ;-)
R - Rufus, wool is showing rich rufus coloring
Body=Kevin's ranking, 0-10, ten being wowsers & they won't leave the barn. Six or less are culled, unless they have some other outstanding quality. Examples: B7, B7+, B8, etc.