Welcome to our store. We offer products made from fiber lovingly provided by our herd of alpacas, products made in the USA, or products from Peru via Fair Trade. Home herd favorites include raw fleece, yarn, roving, felt sheets, rug yarn, dryer balls, felted soaps, bird nesting balls, coasters, small pet beds, round and oval throw rugs, and handknitted items such as hats, scarves, toys. Our alpacas generously provide poo to fill the Alpaca Tea Bags used to make a liquid supplement for your plants to drink(not for human consumption). We also sell poo by the bag and truck load for larger areas. Other products include a good variety of USA made alpaca socks, boot insoles, and hats. We also offer PacaPal Sponsorships of selected alpacas from our herd (no conveyance of ownership).
We ask for your patience as we work on getting our products on the website. In the meantime, we are just a phone call, text, or an email away from fulfilling an order for you.