About Us
Pam, Deb, Pottsy and a Nosey Cria!
Hi! Meet Pam and Bill or Pottsy, as he likes to be called. We are a retired couple that missed our involvement with our children’s activities as we became empty-nesters. Our two daughters were both involved in horseback riding through their growing years and we spent many hours transporting them to lessons and shows. It was a great time to bond and make lasting memories.
Besides, we loved the companionship of the animals. Pam spent many hours doing chores and getting close to the horses. When our oldest became interested in alpacas, we thought what a great opportunity for us to get back involved with animals again and also share in her adventure with these kind, gentle creations.
Pam immediately thought about the possibilities of working with the marvelous fiber that is shorn from the animals once a year. Off to spinning classes ,learning to felt the fiber for booties for our first grandson and next learning to weave on a loom purchased with great plans for the possibilities that are available.
Pottsy, on the other hand, is there when something needs made for the animals such as grain and hay feeders. We are totally glad we made the move to own and breed alpaca!
We have been involved in the business for 11 years; participating with Cloverleaf Alpaca (owned by our daughter Deb) in improving our herd each year through careful selection of foundation breeding stock and the herdsires we use. We now own 10 alpacas.
It has been a wonderful experience learning about these gentle but curious animals, caring for them, going to shows, and meeting other breeders with a love for alpaca and a willingness to share their knowledge.
Fall of 2006, we opened Alpaca and Beyond, a retail boutique, located at Cloverleaf Alpaca, 1650 Cloverleaf Road Mount Joy, PA, to sell the quality clothing made from alpaca fiber. Pam has learned to spin the luxurious fiber that we shear from the alpaca once a year. For 6 years Pam has been a spin-off judge.
Deb , after taking a course at Mannings, is now weaving this fiber into her own creations. We not only carry quality commercial items, but we offer many handmade items made from both commercial and hand spun yarns. Felting is also a passion of both Deb and Pam. We find alpaca fiber a pleasure to use in every medium we have tried.