Currently Available See our llamas available for purchase here! Upcoming Llamas We update photos of our crias and yearlings as they age and progress in their training. Check back later! Our Herd We have been breeding pack llamas since 2015. Our goal is to maintain the best North American pack bloodlines in our herd and sell only highly-trained, athletic and friendly llamas. All llamas available for sale were born and raised on our farm and are registered with the ILR (International Lama Registry). We train both male and female llamas, offering young packers, experienced packers, and select breeding stock. Thorough Training Our training begins soon after birth. Decentering crias to handlers early enables safe handling when they grow into powerful 400 pound adults. At 4-6 months old they are familiar with sacks about the head and body and know how to halter and follow on a lead line. We really enjoy walking the young ones! Training continues for 2-3 years as they mature and become comfortable working in a pack string for multiple days on trails with new handlers. After this, our llamas are ready to leave the farm and hit the trails on commercial outings with guests. Our llamas start off with light pannier loads during their first year of conditioning and gradually increase to larger loads of up to 80 pounds in the later years after reaching maturity at age 4. Our farm is located on the edge of the Cleveland National Forest in Southern California. There are extensive, world-class trail networks containing a myriad of obstacles throughout varied landscape for comprehensive training. Try Before You Buy If you are interested in purchasing your first trained pack llamas, we recommend renting llamas prior to buying them. This gives you the opportunity to build your confidence and understand of what to expect. Farm Tours We also welcome you to visit our farm to meet the llamas and get to know us! Once you’ve decided on the llamas you wish to purchase, we encourage you to participate in their training so your llamas become familiar with you (included in the purchase price). View Our Previously Sold Llamas