Heritage Breeds for the Small Farm and Homestead
Our animals are humanely-raised in the open air and sunshine on open pastures and woodlands. We select only hardy, healthy, resilient breeds that are capable of naturally reproducing. They must be expert grazers and foragers.
In addition to the natural forages available on the farm, and depending on the species, our animals they are fed locally-grown hay, commercial feed, homegrown veggies and fruits, farm-fresh eggs, and raw milk.
Our sows are bred only once per year. They are given their own maternity paddocks --which include shelters and nesting materials -- where they can farrow in peace. We do not utilize farrowing crates or heat lamps. Sows are normally allowed to naturally wean their litters.
Our fine-fleeced Shetland Sheep are on pasture year round and lamb unassisted in the spring.
Welcome to our farm!
Focused on raising hardy, heritage livestock breeds that are easily managed and perfect for the small farm/homestead.
We currently raise
-Registered American Guinea Hogs,
- Fine-fleeced, Registered Shetland Sheep,
-Registered Dexter Cattle
- Cotton Patch and Sebastapol Geese,
-Beltsville Small White Turkeys,
-Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens, and --Speckled Sussex Chickens.
For detailed information about our livestock, please visit our website: www.clearmorningprovisions.com.