Piru Creek is a small ranch in the Santa Clara River Valley in Piru, California. Piru is located in Ventura County just north of Los Angeles.
We began raising goats in 1993 with the purchase of a mixed breed kid who immediately taught us that goats are herd animals. After adding a Nubian kid, breeding both and finding we enjoyed raising goat, we bought 3 purebred Nubians. We entered our first goat show and discovered we had a lot to learn, placing last and next to last with our two entries!
We added Guernsey goats in 2012 after meeting Tom and Nina Schafer. We enjoy the Guernseys and find they produce wonderful milk like the Nubians, have great personalities, and are very hardy. We are excited about the breeding up process and currently have Alpine and Oberhasli does who are being bred to Guernsey bucks.
We participate in ADGA programs such as Linear Appraisal and DHIA (milk test).
Our participation in a limited number of shows mainly the Ventura County Fair and Santa Barbara County Dairy Goat Association shows. We traveled to ADGA National shows in Sacramento, California, Loveland, Colorado, and Redmond, Oregon.
Guernsey and Nubian Dairy Goats and Berkshire Hogs
We raise British Guernseys under the herd name, Pirucreek and Nubians under the herd name, Cielito Lindo.
We are on DHI test with many two thousand pound milkers
We raise Berkshire hogs for custom slaughter feeding them goat milk and limited commercial feed.