Welcome to C and T Farm
We are just a husband and wife running a little farm with our 8 year old son.
We started 2 years ago, mostly to be self sufficient and because we love animals. We began with 30 hens, 3 Nigerian goats and a dozen quail.
Now we have 100 chickens (mostly egg laying hens but also meat birds), 12 goats (8 Nigerian Dwarf & 4 Boer), 6 ducks, & 18 quail. See, small but growing!!!
We do not sell regularly online as we normally have just enough for our family to consume. We have a good network for egg sales but we’ve noticed we have too many goats and local networking isn’t working so here we are!
We raise our animals with love and care, we give shots and vitamins to our goats. All our animals free range and live good lives.
We hope you enjoy our pics, please reach out if interested! !!