Welcome to Rock Hill Ranch
Our farm is nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains, just north of the Parkway. We use our purebred Oberhasli goats to clear our less than ideal (blackberries!!!) land, while they readily make delicious milk for us and those who possess shares. We personally prefer our goats horned, as they handle the heat and help give the goat a snowball's chance against the many predators present in our area. We don't have any problems fitting our mature horned does into our premier1 stanchion, their horns are not wide set enough to cause any issues in that regard. We keep and breed for polled genetics, and to help keep alive/preserve purebred lines. In the future, we would like to import Stiefelgeiss straws to experiment with crossing the two breeds. If we are successful, we will establish the first herd of Stiefelgeiss in the US, giving the breed a better chance at combating extinction.
A little info about Oberhasli:
Initially, many different breeds of swiss goat were all classed as the same breed and mixed together. It is through the careful work of many breeders (and luck!) that we still have distinct lines today!
Oberhasli in the US are actually a combination of 2 breeds present in Switzerland- one of the breeds is polled, and the other has horns!
Oberhasli possess a distinct red bay chamois coloring, with black markings. ADGA permits does to be black, but not bucks. Black bucks/bucklings are registerable as "experimental". Black is a recessive trait in goats, and so you may get a surprise if you have a goat with those genetics hidden away!
Blind taste tests comparing Oberhasli goat milk and other breeds show that their milk tastes sweeter, and more "cow like" than other breeds. They are STRONG producers, with an average of a gallon a day on a production schedule/diet. This breed is RARE, especially purebred Oberhasli, and considered in recovery.
There is a noticeable difference between American and Purebred Oberhasli. American Oberhasli cannot "breed up" to become purebred. It is important to check lines to avoid someone too closely related, should you choose to breed to another purebred. American Oberhasli often have a lighter bay color, and sometimes even a "saddle" of black. The head shape of American Oberhasli is also often different, but this depends on how much purebred Ober is in their lines. One problem that Purebred Oberhasli do have is udder conformation. They make FANTASTIC milkers, and have good teat form and placement, but overall attachment can be poor. Anyone looking to breed this goat should know this and work away from it where possible.
Oberhasli are a very quiet, docile breed. They do not "yell", but instead bleat, and usually only for their children/during kidding season. It can actually be quite easy to miss that a doe is even in heat due to their quiet nature! They make fantastic companions/pack animals, with their tall stature and quiet nature.
First year selling stock!
This year we have many kids (and a few juniors born last fall) available, so please don't hesitate to call and ask questions. We test annually for CAE and CL, and test negative for CL, johne's, and CAE.
Our kids are bottle raised and VERY tame/friendly. They make ideal pets/pack goats, as well as milkers.
This year's kids are NOT disbudded. If you make reservations for next year's kids, we can arrange for that to happen for you. We do have polled genetics in our herd and are happy to line up polled doelings, (or horned does with the genetics for polled offspring) as well.
All of our horned does fit into our "polled" stanchion from premier1 perfectly without any issues. The doe's horns grow pretty straight.
We also have some experimentals (25% or less Nubian) for those who want a good quality milk goat, or pet, and are not concerned with them being 100% Oberhasli.