Friday, July 6, 2018
Summer's here!
Stay thirsty my friends.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I have been so busy I forgot to tell you about our business name change. Because we have had our 4th son(big surprise!) we had to change the name 3 Knights Alpacas. We had the hardest time thinking of something because we wanted it to be meaningful. After throwing out a number of options and having a few others already in use we finally saw what was right there under our noses the whole time - our ah moment! Ahland Alpacas. The ah of course represents all 4 of our boys - Elijah, Isaiah, Josiah, read more...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
So sweet!
His first jaunt through the field
Just finishing breakfast!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
She was walking in circles and hunning away!
Laying down for a short break
Oly moved to field when the head crowned
One last push
Welcome to the world!!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Attentive mom
Adam exercising the "free" leg
Walking is a bit harder now
still nursing!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Trying out the new legs
This morning we had our second cria! A boy this time and he came a week and a half early. We were expecting an early arrival as his mom, Olympia has done this 8 times before and has gone early every time. We did have a brief scare with this one as well, though.
We went out and thought Olympia was in labor only to see her deliver a perfectly intact placenta. Babies always come before the placenta so we went into panic mode and searched the field for a cria. When we couldn't find any sign of t read more...
Finally strong enough to nurse!
Rolo making sure everything is ok
All tuckered out.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I just wanted to share how big Dandelion has gotten. She nurses off her mom now and even grazes on grass occasionally. That first week was a ton of work and I was not looking forward to having to give her bottles every 4 hours for 8 weeks. Now that she takes from her mom we won't have to. She enjoys watching the boys ride their bikes and often gets so excited she can't help but take a little jaunt through the field herself! Our other female is due on September 7th, so in about a month I will be read more...
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Princess Dandelion
Yesterday morning at 6:00 Adam did his usual check on our past due, pregnant, alpaca. She looked fine so he came back to bed and checked again at 9:00 only to come straight back to the house to announce that we had a baby out there! Not exactly how we had pictured the whole thing happening.
I got my boots on and went outside to see the little thing for myself. After a couple checks we decided that it was indeed a little girl - just what we were hoping for! She was still wet and shivering and read more...
Zoolander face for the show ring
Getting dry
Enjying the warm afternoon sun