June 10, 2024
Hassenpfeffer Recipe
Ingredients 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar 2 cups water 2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp pepper 1/2 teaspoon whole cloves 2 tsp sugar 4 bay leaves 1 medium onion 1 whole rabbit, cut into serving pieces Flour 3 Tbsp fat (such as lard, tallow, butter) 2 tsp Worcestershire sauce 3 Tbsp flour
Instructions Make pickling mixture by combining the vinegar, water, salt, pepper, cloves, sugar, bay leaves, and onion in a glass or enamelware bowl.
Add pieces of rabbit and sliced giblets and cover the bowl. Let stand in refrigerator 12 to 24 hours, turning the pieces occasionally so that they will absorb the flavor evenly.
Remove the rabbit pieces. Save liquid and onions but discard bay leaves and cloves.
Roll the rabbit in flour. Heat fat or oil in a heavy pan and brown the rabbit in it, turning to brown on all sides.
Pour the pickling mixture over the rabbit. Cover pan and cook over low heat about one hour, or until rabbit is tender.
Take rabbit from pan and keep it hot. Add Worcestershire sauce to the liquid. Mix the 3 tablespoons flour with a little cold water, add a few tablespoons of the hot liquid to it, and pour mixture back into the pan. Stir and cook until the sauce is thick and smooth, then cook a little longer. Pour sauce over rabbit.