Zulu (Reference)
KikoBuck (male)Black
AKGA# 16P143SAP3, NKR# N16M0143SAP7DOB: 3/1/20168 yrs
Zulu is all business. Looking for a tried and true herd sire, he is perfect. Zulu is a prolific breeder. There is no doubting his performance. When dams come into heat he is ready to go and vocally let's the herd know he is ready for business.
Zulu is very healthy, requires very little if any input, is easy to handle, presents super slow growing hooves (checked bi-annually with minor trimming), is highly parasite resistant, and puts weight on like a college freshman.
Zulu is dual registered with both the NKR and AKGA.
Looking for a solid performer, Zulu is being sold this year to reduce herd numbers, in anticipation of overwintering conditions. Would make for a great starter pair, trio, or addition to any farm.