At the end of the day, it's the fleece that matters. Here is a full Peruvian male with the goods to provide a quantum leap in fleece quality, and his offspring prove it all day. To lead off with other than a fleece picture would be to miss the point on this boy, despite his good looks. Want to see some truly elite fleeces when you part your animals' fiber? More to the point, would you like to see these year after year? K2 is our bid for locking in fineness retention in our herd. To the experienced eye, K2's fleece is so similar to that of one of our industry's brightest stars, Hemingway, that it's pretty unbelievable. We probably never know K-2's herd of origin, since he was an in utero import, his dam is deceased and the farm that owned him has sold out of alpacas, but the lore is that he 'is of the same paddock as Hemingway.' K2 has wonderful conformation -- there really is no bad angle from which you can view this guy. Shorter muzzle might be nice, but that's about all I would change on him. So, fleece style is Hemingway and body style is closer to the beautiful Bueno! Offspring of K2 have been winning in the show-ring across the nation in the past few years, in color and white classes. If the proof is in the pudding, then K2 is proving it in spades. His S/P ratio is 15:1, by the way (Jim Watts).