The Farm Shop
Our shop is at the heart of our farm! When we are not working with our amazing pacas, we dedicate most of our time working with alpaca yarn to design unique masterpieces and create beautiful hand knit collections.
Located in the farm's century-old barn, the on-site boutique aimes at preserving a rustic look and feel. Most of our displays are designed and hand-built from recycled antique metal and wood pieces that were found here on the land. They truly are an ode to the history of the farm.
We strive to offer quality handmade accessories that promotes homegrown, natural alpaca yarn. We also work with a local potter to add a finishing touch to certain of our homegrown creations. As our herd is not large enough to provide us with all the yarn required for our creations, we also work with dyed alpaca yarn, mostly royal and baby grades, to complete our handmade collections.
Visit our online farm shop to discover our work!
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November 21, 2020