As a responsible owner, have medications on-site in the event that you need them. Always check with your vet prior to using medications for the first time. Know the weights of your animals so that dosages are proper for each individual animal. These medications and dosages listed are what we use on our farm. Please check with your vet for their recommendation for the needs of your farm specifically.
Ivomec and Dectomax 1cc/70 lbs
CD&T Annual Vaccine cria and adult 2cc in muscle
Banamine 1cc/100lbs
Bo-Se (Vitamin B and Selenium) for selenium deficient areas
Cria: ½ cc
Adult 1cc
Rabies-given by vet
Panacur paste 250/adult 125/babies
Naxcel antibiotic see vet for dosage
Antibiotic eye ointment
Zinc Oxide for skin irritations
Iodine for cria navels
Corrid for coccidian- see vet for dosage
Bounce Back for heat stressed animals
Pepto Bismol extra strength 6cc/dose
Sulcrafate for ulcers
Cria:1/2 tab 3x per day-dissolve as a paste
Adult: 2 tabs twice per day-dissolve to a paste
Fly Rid
Blu Kote- seals wounds
Blood Stop- in case you nick when trimming