Friday, September 27, 2024
Naughty Django Fandango
Mischievous and looking for a way to get OUT
For some reason I don't seem to learn the first time around. OK, I might be a slow learner or sometimes get distracted. I think I actually was a bit distracted.
Tuesday evening I did some of my afternoon chores and made sure everyone had fresh water and hay. It was our "activity day" for our young girls in my church's organization. We were helping with a service project of harvesting potatoes that were grown locally for people in our town. They aren't to be sold but are grown through the generosity of a family here to share with townspeople.
I had loaded up two bucket, gloves, and a box in case someone didn't have what was needed. I drove my car up on the dirt and said hi to a few that were there, chatted about a few things, then got a phone call from an unlisted number.
Usually I don't answer but I did. I AM GLAD I DID!
"Diena, this is Scott. Your alpacas are loose. They are out heading towards the gun range and the road."
I changed my plans immediately and called M; he answered and immeditely went out to help.
NOW for the the short version.
The boy alpacas KNEW MY VOICE (and the sounds of the grain bucket).
There is something to being a shepherd and having your herd know you and your voice. If my boys didn't recognize my voice, it would have been more difficult to gather them in.
I am so grateful for Scott and Tina and the care and time they gave us. I'm grateful that M helped without being upset with me.
M was very tired that night and slept better than those alpacas did.
Gorgeous and Naught at the same time