Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Need those Chickens
Diena and Goldie
When we moved here in 2015, we had never had chickens before. I had only held a chick or two when I was a child. M said, "We don't need chickens" and that was that.
One week when he was in SLC, he returned home to find we HAD chickens. I had overcome my fear and had traded loaves of fresh wheat bread for chickens, a very good trade indeed.
From that day on I have enjoyed chicken ownership and the ups and downs of it. I have lost a few to old age, and that has been sad. I have raised some from fertilized eggs and that has been so much fun. My little flock of girls and T-Rex follow me around and listen to me hum and expect treats from me, just like the alpacas, dogs and cats do.
Ricky Bobby, the rooster, is still naughty, but T-Rex won't let him go after me. Skidster, the rooster, still lets me hold him. All in all, we get along and it's all good.
M and I enjoy our colorful, fresh eggs and I love to hold these crazy birds and hang with them. I enjoy letting our ranch visitors feel what it is like to hold a chicken and see that chickens and roosters CAN be nice....even though I know not all are. I'm just lucky that mine are almost all sweethearts.
I just thought I'd share today's fun moments I spent with them, and hope it'll bring a little smile to your face.
Of note: My hat was wet-felted by a friend, Kathy McK, who made it from a former alpaca of ours (Ariel). Ariel has since passed on. It's so wonderful that I have some of her with me and can enjoy having her near. It's great that Ariel matches my coat too. Thank you, Kathy, for your amazing artistry.
Ethel the hen
Ariel the hen