Saturday, March 16, 2024
We were blasted with Snow!
Django Fandango loving the snow
The heavy wet snow started falling here Friday. We were warned we'd have snow, and snow it did. Electricity went out during the night, but came back on after about an hour.
Snow continued through the day and we were blasted with almost 18 inches of very heavy, wet snow. We usually don't get snow like this. Since we've lived here (2015) it's only the second time we've needed our neighbor to use their huge tractor to dig us out of our long driveway so we could four-wheel-drive out of it.
Luckily, alpacas are pretty smart and hardy. Since their coats are three times warmer than wool, they do well. By tomorrow they'll be running around and making paths in the snow to play "follow the leader" which they enjoy doing anyway.
As for the doggies (Odin and Charlie), they are happy as long as they have work to do, meat and dog food and fresh water. They took the weather in stride and are champs for us. We love sure love and depend on them.
The chickens were NOT let out to graze but were given some nice lettuce, grass hay and chicken treats and were happy laying their eggs for me to gather more tomorrow. Ricky Bobby and T-Rex and Skidster (the roosters) were guarding everyone from no preditors, so they took the day off.
Sunshine and St. Patrick's Day predicted for tomorrow, and hopefully no Leprechains to bother us at the ranch.
Tomar Leche doesn't mind snow if she has grass hay
Charlie, our Livestock Guardian Dog, loves the snow