Friday, March 31, 2023
The Best of Intentions
Have you ever started something with the best of intentions, only to end up far short of what you intended? I certainly have! These blogs and this website are things that I have started with the best of intentions - I wanted to post a new blog every couple of weeks and to keep the website updated and interactive. Well, it's been a while since I wrote a new blog and I have scores of new babies to add to the website! I sure did get waylaid from my original plans! Oh well. I know these things happen. I could come up with a dozen reasons why I haven't kept up with my original goals but I think that instead, I will focus on trying again.
Throughout my Valais journey, I have also experienced times when my intentions haven't matched with the reality. That is how I have ended up with three adult rams that need to be sold (because a farm technically only needs one ram!). I did not start out with the intention of keeping so many rams and now that I have too many, I am finding that it is difficult finding a buyer for them. (Farm lesson #617 - sell the Valais boys as wethers, not rams!) So if you are reading this and are at all interested in purchasing an adult ram, reach out to me! I am willing to sell them at a "sale/clearance" price, especially Sven and Asher. They are solid, sturdy rams and would be a great addition to your sheep farm, whether you are interested in pursuing a Valais breed up program or not. They have nice temperaments and I am sure they will add friendlier-than-your-average-sheep lambs to your flock.
What are some of your recent happenings that haven't met with your original intentions? How have your intentions for your farm changed in recent years? I hope that you will be able to restart and not get bogged down in the "I should have's" and "I meant to's." That is my hope for myself!