Monday, December 5, 2022
What's Happening on the Ranch
Snow Diamond Felicity and Zebrano
So many things going on lately!!
September 27th and 29th saw the birth of 2 male crias. Snow Diamond Felicity gave birth to a 17 lb. male that the sponsors named Zebrano. Sire is Alpaca Palace's Zinger. (This is their 2nd year to sponsor Miss Felicity so we decided to let them pick a name from a list of wood names that we provided).
On the 29th, Joey's Stargazer Lilly, our 14 year old mom gave birth to a male that we named Sawdust's Babanus out of Sawdust's Almond Thunder.
October 2nd, we picked up 3 of our original girls that live on another farm now. They come back to us every year in October and board until March or April. We are always glad to have SixPennyRose, Sawdust's Tamo, and Gemstate's XXXtera Silk back with us for awhile. Rosie will have her cria here next March or first part of April.
October 5th, Snowmass Illuminescence gave birth to a cria we named Sawdust's Tabacso. Sire is Alpaca Palace's Zinger (he was a busy boy)!. He is a gorgeous white with some really light brown markings.
October 6th, A Paca Fun's Black Dalhia had another boy! This one is named Sawdust's Murwiti- sire is Sawdust's Almond Thunder. So we have a medium fawn, a bay black, a white with brown, and another bay black boy. We want a girl!!!!!
October 18th (my son's birthday) we have another male cria. A white out of a Rose Gray (WP Zora) and a medium Fawn (Alpaca Palace's Zinger) How did that happen? No predictions on colors around here obviously.
October 22nd, a few hours before my birthday, YAY WE FINALLY HAVE A GIRL!!!! Sawdust's Timborana has a medium brown little girl we named KARRI - sire is Alpaca Palace's Zinger.
October 26th, our last cria of the season was born - another boy. Sawdust's Jessinia did not want to give this one up. She was overdue. But little Sawdust's Black Limba is doing well and growing quickly. Sire is - your guessed it - Alpaca Palace's Zinger.
November 2nd, we met Darcy and Hank Scarberry in McDermitt, NV with the two pacas they purchases - PacaParadise Roxy and Sawdust's Paulownia (AKA Paul) Roxy is a true black with white stockings and white on her nose. Paul is a beautiful light silver gray. Both are doing well in their new home.
Our two girls came home from Penn Valley CA where they were being bred to an outstanding herdsire named Vintage Cashmere's U-Taupe-Ia. Hopefully, we will have some nice crias from that pairing next October.
Thanksgiving time spent with Glenn Jr. wife CJ, her mom, uncle and a friend. Great time visiting and CJ, of course, getting lots of pictures.
The final event for November was the sale of our 16' alpaca trailer and Skyline's Black Velvet to go with it to a new home in Eureka, CA.
In between all of these events are regular daily chores, Harvest Host visitors,
Joey's Stargazer Lilly with Babanus
Snowmass Illuminescence and Tabasco
Black Dahlia & Murwiti
Zora and Ceiba
Sawdust's Timborana and Karri
Harvest Host Visitor with Sawdust's Jessninia and little Black Limba