Saturday, April 9, 2022
Limited Time: Gardening Management Notebook
Gardening Management Notebook Cover
Hey friends!
I have been a' workin' this week! And since the weather decided to be wintery again (folks around here refer to it as "dogwood winter") I decided to do some of the more "inside" work. As I was sitting at the computer desk, it actually snowed for a bit Saturday morning!! IN APRIL! I'm not used to East Tennessee not having designated seasons like the midwestern states where I was born and raised; it just decides to host winter weather at random.
But, with the chilly and damp weather outside, I was able to pause my work on the garden areas and focus on the more organizational aspects of things on the homestead!
I am pleased to announce, for a limited time only, I will be offering our Gardening Management Notebook for FREE in our farm store! This item is a digital download, and nothing will be shipped to you.
The Gardening Management Notebook is part of our larger Homestead Management Binder (also available as a digital download)
This tool is born out of a hodge-podge of farm record forms we've used over the last 5 years, and we have since streamlined, and organized everything to be centrally located, easily accessible, and, if I do say so myself, beautifully laid out. If it happens outside, it's documented in our homestead binder.
With the Gardening Management Binder, you will be able to map your garden layout, log your seed inventory, maintain an indoor seeding log, reference crop rotation charts, and track your planting and harvest record! This notebook really is a gem, and it is something our family utilizes on a regular basis. The best part is, once you've downloaded it, it's yours FOREVER! Print off the pages you need, and customize them for your own use.
The full Homestead Management Binder includes daily, weekly, and monthly calendars, a homestead project planner, room for sketches and notes as well as record pages for chickens, goats, rabbits, as well as cows, sheep, pigs, quail, and a general "animals" section. Additionally, it has worksheets for managing homestead income and expenses.
You will not want to miss out on these fabulous resources! Hop on over to our shop to download your free copy of the Gardening Management Notebook, and take a look at our full Homestead Management Binder as well!
Homestead Management Binder