Sunday, March 20, 2022
Baby bunnies are here!
One of the sweet little baby bunnies
We had our first ever litter of silver fox babies born on the homestead today! There are 9 kits, all born alive and doing well so far!
The first 24 hours we plan to check, but mostly leave them alone to keep warm and let miss Heather rest and mother them.
She built a lovely nest at the very last minute! When I checked on her this morning at 8:15, she had not pulled any fur, and when we came home from lunch after church, the nest was FULL of fur, and 9 wiggly little kits!
She kindled on day 33, and once we see how many little ones are does and bucks, we'll be better able to say how many of each are available. As of right now, we plan to keep at least 1 or 2 does from the litter. The kits should be weaned and ready to go by May 22-29, 2022.
We'll continue to keep a close watch on them and make sure everyone stays happy and healthy! What a Sunday surprise! Praise the Lord, for He is good!-
Lovely nest
Mama (DeColores Heather) resting