Thursday, June 10, 2021
New "Stuff"
Sawdust's Koko
Geez, Don't know where to start. So much going on here at Sawdust Alpacas.
The Store building was delivered Mid March. We used alpaca fiber to insulate the walls, then put visqueen over that. Next came the sheet rock on the ceiling and walls. We then put in all the electrical outlets, boxes for the ceiling lights and fan.
April - we took a trip to Bend OR to pick up furnishings from the store that were donated to us by our friends at Snow Diamond Alpacas. When we got home, the furnishings remained in storage as we painted (Sherwin Williams Paint - 722 Alpaca) We waited for a couple weeks for the flooring to arrive. While we were waiting on the floor to get here, we put up lights, ceiling fan,. Then Glenn and a friend installed the floor.. In April we saw 32 Harvest Hosts Guests.
May - Shearing was scheduled for May 7. We picked up the alpacas we had sold to new owners and brought them here to our ranch to be shorn with ours. Shearing went very smoothly with help from several Harvest Host return guests, and our kids. Then delivered alpacas back to their owners. We had Harvest Hosts Guests that stayed to help unload and get the furnishings into the store. We also got most of the products out of the livingroom and into the new store. Whoo, were we tired. Our Harvest Host Guests Randy and Linda Johnson were the first to shop in the new Store after helping to get it together. In May, even being closed for a week, we were visited by 42 Harvest Host RVers.
May 29th we welcomed 2 new crias to our ranch. Sawdust's KoKo (male) arrived at 1:45 pm, weighing 17.8 lbs. Man is he a live wire - just on the go all the time. His mom is WP Zora and dad is Sawdust's Almond Thunder. June 10, he is almost 22 pounds. He and Mom WP Zora are out with the other Moms. The 2nd cria, Sawdust's Holly, made her debut at 7:10 PM. Her mom is TP Jubilee's Euphoria and sire is Sawdust's Zaire. She has been our problem child for the past week. She seems to have turned the corner now and on the right track. She is so cute. We would like to thank our Harvest Host guests Lorelei Hutchens and Dan Corona for their care and help treating her as needed for the 3 days they were here with us. We are happy with her progress after all she has been thru.
June - both of the new crias have been adopted through Sawdust's Alpaca Adoption program. Check it out and see if that is something you would be interested in.
I would like to thank our Harvest Hosts guests for their help:
Dana Donaldson and James McNatt came from CA to help with shearing.( Dana adopted Nambar on her first visit a few months ago).
Randy and Linda Johnson for their help with getting the store furnishings unloaded, painting door and trim work, shearing, getting products from the house to the store and being our first customer in the store.
Lorelei Hutchens and Dan Corona for cria help, getting fiber samples ready to go to testing, and more. Thanks for adopting this little girl. We have several other RVer's that we hear from on a regular basis. We look forward to seeing you again soon..
If you are in the area, we invite to come by and see the pacas and the store.
Sawdust's Holly
Products made by Harvest Host Guests
Yarn display
One of the girls pens