Saturday, March 16, 2019
PAOBA Breeders Showcase 2019
On Deck
Hats off to the Pennsylvania Alpaca Breeders Association (PAOBA) for putting on a wonderful show!
As this was our first time attending the show at their new venue, we weren't sure what to expect. We were pleased with the animal friendly setup which made our alpacas feel more at ease than the traditional arena setups with concrete floors.
We know how much work it takes to put one of these shows on and the volunteers are to be commended. The hospitality we were shown was great and much appreciated.
While our single entry didn't place as well as we had hoped, we still had a good time seeing many of our friends and colleagues at the show. One of the highlights of the show was getting to meet Jan, from Openherd who has been one of the most helpful people in the industry for us! She and her husband are super nice, down to earth people and it was great to put a face with the voice on the other end of the line!
We did get positive comments on Lucky Lady from the judges and know what to be looking for when it comes time to choose a male for her breeding. For us, this really is one of the most important reasons we bring our alpacas to shows.
We now are looking forward to the MAPACA Jubilee/Gala held in Harrisburg next month. We'll be bringing some of our younger animals to get an assessment of them there.
Coming up will be shearing, then birthing and breeding season.
Never a dull moment and wouldn't want it any other way!
Eleven years and we still love "The Alpaca Lifestyle"!
Pep talk
Vickie's new alpaca
Alpaca my bag!
Making friends