Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Francesca’s Corner – June
Hi there, this is Camille (seen at right). I’m writing in Francesca’s place because she is a little out of sorts right now. Her cria ( is due to be “unpacked” in the next week or so, and she is just plain ‘ol grumpy with it being hot and her being due any day now. Also, I think that she is worried about her new cria because of what happened last year with her little Opal—what with their visit to the doctor and all. But I think it will be just fine! After all, we have such good care here, no matter what goes on.
NEWS FLASH! Our suri friend Willow just delivered her first cria a few days ago. He is a cute little boy who looks just like her. Her delivery also required assistance, as I am told he was not lined up properly (called a dystocia) and needed help “unpacking” too. Thank goodness both are doing well now. I am so glad that I am not a first-time mom. It is so much easier after the first one.
Alpaca babyIn fact, I just delivered my third baby two weeks ago and is she ever special! My agents will be including several pictures of her. She was born at more than 18 pounds and has been on the move ever since (except at weigh-in time). Her blanket is a gorgeous reddish-gray. Her feet and tail have just tons of white and gray mixed in. And her little white face (with a dark smudge) is just adorable. You are welcome to see her on the first Sunday of July (July 5th) at the Christmas in July event. Francesca wanted to make sure I told you she is still available for her fans to come see her and her new cria – who is sure to be (almost) as cute as my little Velvet Rose. Cheers! Camille
I am available to see my fans by appointment, 530. 272.1218. Please check with my agents Howard and Cynthia for dates and times. I do hoofographs (like an autograph) for my fans and love photo-ops to show off my lovely fleece and trademark eyelashes.
Kiss Kiss,