Friday, December 2, 2016
Windy's Input
The weather's FINALLY beginning to cool off (30F - 40F). Mom put down what she calls our "first layer" of straw in the barn, and it's fun. I like to drop into it and roll, kick my legs a bit, and then leave it in a mess. Some of it sticks in my back and tickles. I like that. But for right now I mostly prefer to stay outside and let the summer stink blow out of my fleece. Not that I stink, I don't want to give anybody that impression. Let's change that to "freshen" my lovely fleece.
Today was even more fun cuz mom gave us all a LOT of my favorite treats - CARROTS! Mmmmm, I love carrots! I could eat carrots every day, every day, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Mom said that we had so many carrots today our barn will covered in orange poop tomorrow. She's silly.
Signing off - everybody's heading to the poop pile - I don't want to lose my place in line.