— The Openherd Team
Goat, Doe (female) | Gold w/ White
I sold Honey with her dam and littermate in the summer of 2022. Our great friend Dana at LT-Farm bred her and when Honey freshened i was so jealous of her beautiful udder! Fast forward to 1/2025 and Honey is coming home. We are just thrilled to welcome sweet Honey home! Dam: Agape Valley Sweetie Pants Sire: Roamn Ranch Knight Rider SS: Old Mountain Farm Knight Storm SSD: SG Old Mountain Farm RainEDay WomN 2*MSSS: Old Mountain Farm Stag Knight *BSD: Old Mountain Farm Oolah QuinnSDD: SG Old Mountain Farm Mila Quinn 1*M SDS: SG Old Mountain Farm Stag ++*BDS: Caprine Acres BA CordDSS: Kaapio Acres SG BandaleroDDD: GCH KAAPIO ACRES AD CARINA 92EEEEDD: GCH Caprine Acres AD Hot Cayenne 90 EEVEDDS: Grand Sire: Kaapio Acres AD Adonis?DDD: CH Kaapio Acres Hot Cholula 91EEEE
Updated 2/1/2025