— The Openherd Team
Goat, Nubian, Sr. Doe (female) | Black Roan, Spots and Brown Trim
AKA Julie is one of our foundation does. This girl has Superior Genetics above her on both sides of her lineage. She joined our herd in the beginning of 2024 and we are honored to have her! She will live the rest of her days here on our farm. We have her son, two daughters and three grand daughters. She is due to kid any day now! (July 2024) She was bred with Rancho De San Isidro Oliver and gave us a beautiful doeling we are retaining.There is so much I can say about her. She has the long, deep and wide body we want to produce. Her udder attachment looks good so far and she has such a wonderful demeanor. One of the more confident and friendliest does we have now in our herd. She is so good with the other kid goats and is the herd Grandma! Her conformation and temperament are exactly what we want in our herd!She is G6S Normal by parentage and will be tested this summer for CAE. She is participating in ADGA 2024 Linear Appraisal.10/13/2024 Update:Julie scored really well and exceeded my expectations on Linear Appraisal. As a 9 year old doe she has proven all of Black Mesa Ranch's hard work they put into their Nubians. Her daughter, Continuous Sweet Cee Cee could not be appraised but the appraiser gave me an opinion on her overall general appearance. Praising her overall body confirmation and telling me how great she looks! Highly recommending that I get her bred again and scored. As well as her son Black Mesa Kool Kenai getting a great score, and the appraiser being super impressed on his dairyness. We have so much hope that this group of Nubians is going to shape our herd in the direction we are aiming for.
Updated 1/7/2025