1st gen Saansey
OG Rhythm
Saanen/GuernseyJr. Doe (female)White
DOB: 4/1/20195 yrs
Rhythm is such a sweet, easy girl. Quiet, calm, friendly. I can forget she's in my barn until her nose gently touches my hand for attention. She's not my flashiest girl, but "effortless" is an important factor in my goat-raising, and she has that in spades...
Rhythm is a 2yo second freshener this year, and even during the heat wave has held a very steady lactation curve. Every single day since she freshened in May, hot or cold, she's produced roughly 6.5lbs. Just like her looks, it's not flashy, but steady and reliable.
I can't wait for her 2020 daughter to freshen this spring, to see if breeding Rhythm to the incredibly impressive Saanen buck Echo helps add some flash both to her looks and her production. If not, I'll just have to be stuck with reliable and sweet... Shucks... ;)