Gloaming Yukon's Pinatubo
NubianJr. Doe (female)grey with tan & white trim
ADGA# AN2077570DOB: 7/6/20195 yrs
Pinatubo is the daughter of Gloaming Romaine's Yukon and Gloaming Rye's Joule. Yukon is a third freshener who kidded mid-June. She produced 2223 lbs of milk (78P, 106F) in 356 days as a first freshener. She aborted a month before her due date for her second freshening but still produced 1710 lbs of milk (74F, 58P) in 367 days. Her 2016 Linear Appraisal score was 85 (+ V + V). She matured a lot since then. Yukon did not freshen in2018 but was milked through. She was appraised in August with a final score of 85 (V,V,A,+).
Pinatubo is a very pretty grey doe with a very correct topline.