Goatgoat Koko N Marshmallow
Alpine - AmericanDoe (female)Chamoisee, White star, spot by nose
ADGA# AA1931579DOB: 3/31/20186 yrs
We have good expectations for Koko, being Abby's and Jr's grandaughter.
Koko freshened wonderful with everything you want in a show quality doe. She hand milks easily, with nice teat length, and large orifices. She is currently giving a gallon and a cup a day at two months fresh! We would be keeping her, except she started, having a distended stomach on one side at three weeks fresh. We found out that she is over eating, and needs to be on a strict diet.
We are not where we can control her diet that much. She is very friendly, and well behaved.
Koko is Negative for CAE 2020.
Update, Koko was doing fine on our pasture and her stomach was no longer distended, so it is just the alfalfa hay that she has to be watched with/ limited on. Her stomach is back having issues as our pasture is running out already this year, and she is going back on hay, you can see how she is in the updated pictures. She is currently giving a gallon a day.