Goatgoat Jem
Guernsey/Alpine/ToggenburgDoe (female)Gold White Star
GGBoA# DOB: 4/19/20177 yrs
Jem is a beautiful looking little doe, she is Daffodil's granddaughter. Jem's dam had an improved udder over Daffodil's, but we can only keep so many. Jem has a nice udder attachment, but smaller teats. I didn't get time to measure her milk, but one milking, she gave 1/3 a gallon, evening milking. The milk was good ( as good as my Alpines), but not as sweet as my other Guernsey crosses. She is friendly, and well behaved, she stood well for her one hand milking ( she was also hand milked while in colostrum), and very well behaved for the machine milker. Note, her sire does have white patches on him. Jem is in milk and doing very well; she gave a little over a half gallon a day while in colostrum. I haven't had time to measure since, but will get a measurement for a serious inquiry.
Experimental Guernsey 72% Alpine 25%