Goatgoat Blue's Palomino (L)
Guernsey/Alpine/LaManchaDoe (female)Gold
GGBoA# EX01164DOB: 4/19/20159 yrs
Palomino is a Beautiful doe altogether, and a heavy producer, giving a gallon and a quarter, a day, at peek, last year, as a first freshener! Her milk is sweet and creamy. Palomino is 50% Alpine, 25% Guernsey, and 25% LaMancha, she meets breed standard for Guernsey, other than she is a bit tall. Her dam was a Guernsey/LaMancha doe that we lost to kidney failure, as a first freshener, she was looking very promising. Her Sire, an American Alpine Buck, because we did not have any way to get a Guernsey buck at that time.
Experimental Grade Alpine 50% Guernsey 25% LaMancha 25%