Simply put . . . THIS IS THE BEST OF OUR BEST.
Silvercloud Farm's Mercurio is another winner out of our "Grand-Dam", Mulowe. Mulowe's cria and grand-cria have piled up Championships to many to count! Her pairing with El Segundo de Royal Fawn produced Miss Clarice, one of the top female producers in the US, so we repeated that breeding to produce Mercurio, and we now have that genetic powerhouse in the form of a herdsire!
Mercurio is a 2X RESERVE CHAMPION himself, and now his crias are taking Championships, blue ribbons and doing him proud in "GET-OF-SIRE" classes at shows all across the country (See Awards). He is incredibly fine, dense and carries consistent high frequency crimp, that discriminating buyers to love to see. Mercurio is passing on this fleece in a myriad of colors, from black & grey to to-die-for fawns, all with micro-popcorn crimp and as bright as can be!
If you are looking to take your female to the next level with a breeding to a superior male with a proven track record, call us today and schedule a date with Mercurio!
Proudly co-owned with Long Acres Alpaca Farm.
AMAZING FIBER STATS & Skin Bioposy: AFD: 18.1, SD: 3.1, CV: 17.2, > 30: .5
Density 60.25 Follicles SQ MM S/P 12.6 to 1