GS of SM Conopa, GGS of Snowmass Nova
Snowmass Blue Luxury
Huacaya, Herdsire (Male), Proven, True Black
ARI# 35208655 | DOB: 8/31/2015
Snowmass Blue Luxury, aka Little Blue, has a stunningly gentle presence & a quiet attitude beneath a fleece of luxurious, black fiber
Little Blue's 2019 histogram had him at 23.4 microns with a comfort factor of 98.1, 1.9% of fibers above 30% and an 'oily' black, crimpy fleece that makes him all the more loveable. He is black to the skin and beyond on his blanket, with a wonderful sheen that makes it look oily-silky when opened, though as with many black alpacas, he is starting to show a tou...