ARI# 35507512, CLAA# 49553 D.O.B. 6/10/2020 (4 yrs)
Huacaya, Male| Medium Fawn, Unproven
Sire: Snowmass Conopa XXX
Dam: Lindsey Rocs
Initially we thought Lincoln would stay in our herd, he has so much to offer, head style, density, staple length, a replacement for the late Snowmass ...
Sunnyhill Alpacas - Leduc County, AB
ARI# , CLAA# D.O.B. 6/12/2021 (3 yrs)
Huacaya, Male| White, Medium Fawn, Unproven
Sire: Accoyo America Kung Pao
Dam: Lindsey Rocs
Looking for our best genetics, seed stock producer Lindsey Rocs crossed with Kung Pao!
Dan didn’t read the book about being a solid color, he is ve...
Sunnyhill Alpacas - Leduc County, AB
ARI# 35149996, CLAA# 47303 D.O.B. 6/14/2016 (8 yrs)
Huacaya, Bred (Female)| Light Brown, Proven
Sire: Snowmass XXX-Travegant
Dam: Lindsey Rocs
Service Sire: Averegan's Aftershock
TOP 1% EPDs (2022) (FW)
TOP 5% EPDs (2022) (MSL)
TOP 5% EPDs (2022) (SDAFD)...
Alpagas Amazone - LÉVIS, QC
ARI# , CLAA# D.O.B. 6/22/2024 (Under 1 yr)
Huacaya, Cria Male| Medium Fawn, Unproven
Sire: Aztec Shaka
Dam: Lindsey Rocs
This little fleece machine has quite a story behind him, we were convinced that his dam Lindsey wasn't pregnant, we sent her to enjoy the summer pastu...
Sunnyhill Alpacas - Leduc County, AB
ARI# 36167357, CLAA# 50202 D.O.B. 6/29/2022 (2 yrs)
Huacaya, Yearling Female| Medium Brown
Sire: Sunnyhill's KP's Zang Pao
Dam: Lindsey Rocs
Let's talk about Lekki's dam first, this is Lindsey's 10th cria, they have all been high quality, Lindsey's cria have been Grand and Supreme Champions...
Sunnyhill Alpacas - Leduc County, AB