Nobility's Tom Tom is one of the most incredible male cria born on our farm. He is a product of champions. We are sure his genetics will be in our future. This combination has been bred again. Maybe this time Timpani will give us a wonderful female. Not that we are disapointed with the three great males she has produced so far.
Tom Tom, as all of Timpani's offspring have been named after drums. Our son Dillon, started this with Bongo. (He plays drums) When Nobility was born on Thanksgiving he was nicknamed Tom, as in, "Tom the Turkey" and it stuck. We still call Nobility, Tom. When we called with the news of Timpani's new male cria our alpaca friends at Maranatha Alpacas, Lisa Darley was so excited for us, then asked if we were going to name him Tom Tom. I said, Yes!
Tom Tom has won his first ribbon at the Mid Western 2011. A third place against solid competition. Judge Amanda vanden Bosch said he was the youngest and because he was shorn in July his fiber was not as long as the ones above him. She added that next year he will be very competitive as his fiber was the finest in the class with lots of density.
We will be showing Tom Tom many more times in the future. We are so sorry we had to scratch all of our alpacas from the Nationals (due to Equine Herpes Virus) when he was in full fleece.
Tom Tom has won First Place and Color Champion at his second show. He is becoming an amazing young male. He has his sire's amazing fiber but in true black. He is fine with density and bundles of high frequency crimp consistant throughout. We are sure he will be winning more shows this fall.