Little Miss Rosco was born at 340 days weighing 15.8 lbs. She is a strong little girl with beautiful non-fading midnight black fiber. Her fiber is luxuriously soft, which is not a surprise considering her dam has a micron of 19 and her sire a micron of 21 at 5 years old. Her parents are both silver grey so she has a lot of potential to throw grey some day. Check out her pedigree. Out of the 24 ancestors listed on her ARI certificate, 14 of them are grey.
Rosco is 11/16 Peruvian, 1/4 Chilean, and 1/16 Bolivian. She has Peruvian Royal Condor, The Silversmith, Peruvian Felix, Silver Salix, Peruvian Pewter, Peruvian Silvino and Peruvian Silvio in her background.
Rosco has been tested BVD negative.